Until one fateful routine checkup, proper diet had been a long neglected variable in Susan Marx’s lifestyle. Career and convenience came first. For years she’d shrugged off her health, postponing an inevitable confrontation with a frightening diagnosis: Osteopenia.
Sometimes it takes a harsh wakeup call to uncover our purpose.
Health fraying and driven by her will to raise her son, Susan established a way to empower anyone to take their health into their own hands by making health publications more accessible to a time-challenged audience.
Susan does what she loves and loves the way she does it.
With loads of killer content already available online, the Laguna Beach local heralds Ontraport as the crux of her content delivery.
Without having my whole business automated I could never keep up with the volume of information that I distribute. Since they’re all digital products, the delivery is all automated. Automation is key. It’s critical. I wouldn’t have a business without it.