We’ve replaced our former date condition language with more straightforward options:

  • On
  • Not on
  • After
  • Before
  • On or after
  • On or before

For example, if you would like to create a group of contacts added to your account in the last 30 days, you can set a condition to be “Date Added is on or after 30 days ago” and skip wondering if you should choose “greater than” or “less than.”

About Kristen Dewey

Kristen holds a degree in Communication and Liberal Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara. With five years working as a writing tutor at SBCC and experience as an Ontraport support rep, Kristen now uses both her writing and software expertise in the role of Content Engagement Coordinator. Outside of her time at Ontraport, she is also involved in a variety of creative writing projects.