Shayla Mihaly is a holistic business coach to women healers, teachers and coaches. She specializes in healing the split women healers have between being spiritual practitioners and creating material wealth. She also created her own multi-six-figure healing center using the same inner and outer tools and strategies that she now teaches to her clients.
In This Episode
Shayla Mihaly ran her own wellness center for 20 years and now coaches other female healers to succeed in business. She advocates for women to charge what they’re worth, take on leadership roles and to heal their unconscious minds in order to bring out their true potential.
Topic Timeline:
2:00 Be Confident and Charge What You’re Worth
When you’re not making any money, it causes stress and exhaustion. Don’t get burned out.
2:45 Women Healers in Leadership Roles
They will make great choices about keeping our drinking water clean, treatment of animals, and how we raise our children.
4:00 Healing the Unconscious Mind
Over 90% and up to 99% of what shows up in our lives is created from our unconscious mind.
5:00 Take a Stand and Know Where You’re Going
You can’t create a plan if you don’t know where you’re going.
6:15 Importance of Mentors
Seek out the best mentors, ones who have had success in the area that you want succeed in and with whom you actually really feel an alignment.
10:00 Becoming a Leader
By having clarity in your goals and a sense of purpose, the embarrassment or whatever has detracked you before will take a back set so you will able to succeed.
11:15 Finding New Customers
Word of mouth referrals are huge as well as partner promotions thorough business friendships and ads to social media.
12:15 What Type of Content to Produce
Help people focus on income-generating activities. Utilize your Facebook group to ask questions or post polls for feedback on discussion topics.
13:20 What’s the Next Level
Growth is a must, but so is simplicity; it must bring more ease to your life and your team’s.

– Shayla Mihaly
Show Transcript:
LR: Welcome to Modern Ontrapreneur. Today we have Shayla Mihaly, who is a holistic business coach to women healers, teachers, and coaches. She specializes in healing the split women healers have between being spiritual practitioners and creating material wealth.
Shayla’s created her own multi-six-figure healing center using the same inner and outer tools and strategies that she now teaches her clients. Childhood illnesses led her to the world of holistic healing as a young adult and set her on the path to bringing healing to herself, her clients, and to the planet.
Shayla’s in service to supporting women healers who are doing amazing transformational healing work and yet struggling financially because she knows that having strong women healer leaders who are fulfilling their missions and creating a bigger impact on the world is an essential key to the awakening of humanity and our planet. Thank you so much for being here.
SM: Thank you for having me.
LR: It’s interesting, your mission, because it’s although maybe more said in words differently than we might use at Ontraport, it resonates with our mission. Our mission is to support entrepreneurs in delivering their value to the world by removing the burden of technology, and it feels to me you’re coming from the same place. There’s so much that is there to be delivered by these amazing people who are not getting into business because they love screwing around with technology or in your case maybe it was because they’re not trying to deliver their value because they love building a business, and yet their value is there to be delivered, and getting that stuff out of the way feels like it unlocks a potential that is important to be unlocked.
SM: What I find is, most women healers are either undercharging or forgetting to charge at all, and I myself have done that. I’ve seen a client walk out the door and been like, ‘Oh, I forgot to ask for money.’ So they don’t have the confidence to really charge what they’re worth. They don’t know how to attract clients. They think marketing is unspiritual. They think self-promotion is egotistical.
LR: Sales.
SM: Sales. They hate that word. We don’t even use sales. We don’t use that word. They hate sales. They don’t want to think about money because they’re on a spiritual path and, in their mind, money isn’t spiritual. So they’re not stepping into being as deeply in service to healing the planet as they could, because they’re not charging and so they’re not making any money, and so they’re stressed out and exhausted and broke and burned out, and then they go and get a job and do some healing on the side.
A lot of these women healers are kind of ostracized socially. They’re seen as kooky witches doing healing work in the backyard and they’re some of the best healers there are. It’s really my mission to bring them into their rightful seat at the table of leadership and abundance in their communities and in the world, because I want to live in a world where women healers are leaders, and they’re going to make great choices about keeping our drinking water clean and how we treat our animals and how we raise our children. I really want to see women healers empowered around the world to take their rightful places and be shown the respect that they deserve even if they don’t have an MD from Harvard.
LR: We as entrepreneurs tend to have our egos wrapped up in our projects, and we do feel embarrassed or bad sometimes about asking to be paid or scared to charge what we think that we’re worth or maybe don’t even have a sense of what we should be worth. Obviously without putting us through the whole course, what is the key to transforming that relationship to just charging?
SM: Really good question. You may know that over 90% and up to 99% of what shows up in our lives is created from our unconscious mind. So I find as entrepreneurs, most coaches and most people focus on the one to ten percent that we have conscious control over and they keep kind of drilling that. So it’s really crucial to do the work that controls 90 to 99% of the outcome, which is healing your unconscious money beliefs. Then once you understand what’s going on, you bring it to conscious awareness and you can heal it.
LR: Yeah.
SM: Yeah. So that’s number one.
LR: Yeah.
SM: And then the next important thing is to actually take a stand for something and know where you’re going. So when I get on the phone with some of these women healers and I say, ‘Okay, where are we going? What are you up to?’ And they don’t really know. They don’t really have their mission. They don’t know how much money they want to be making. So you can’t really create a plan if you don’t know where you’re going.
So it’s really important for women healers to take a stand and say, ‘This is going to be my specialty,’ not ‘I’m going to help generally heal people and have them live the best life,’ because it’s too vague. And because there are so many of us all around the globe, we don’t have to all try to heal everybody. We get to actually pick who I call our divine match clients, who we want to work with and we get to choose what specialty we want to work with them in.
So I think it’s really important to name that, because then you can create your high-end programs, and people know exactly who to send to you, and the people who are coming to you aren’t just coming for one session and you never see them again, which is a big problem for women healers. They’re actually investing in a life-changing transformation.
LR: If you could give yourself a piece of advice when you were starting out, from this position now that you’re sitting here today, kind of like fly back through time and give yourself a piece of advice, what would that be?
SM: Yeah. I think it would be to seek out the best mentors sooner, and to also make sure that you’re in alignment with your mentor. Everybody is the same on a basic level, and business is business on a basic level, but I know that I was in a number of training programs where I was like the kooky one, or seen as the woo-woo person.
LR: No.
SM: Could you imagine?
LR: No.
SM: And so I know a lot of women healers, just like in society, could feel kind of ostracized. It actually makes a really big difference if we hang out together, if you’re in a group of people who understand what you’re saying and don’t immediately see you as someone who’s just very strange. So I would say seek out a mentor who has success in the area that you want success in, and with whom you actually really feel an alignment. And who gets you.
LR: Did you succeed at that? Did you find that mentor?
SM: You know, I found aspects, and as I was struggling with it, I remember really vividly being at a live event with someone very well-known in our industry who I love, and just feeling so triggered. In this particular instance, there were two men on stage leading a room that was 80% women, again, and I just was thinking, ‘I need something different.’ And my inner voice kept saying, ‘Well, you’re not up there. Step up.’ And that’s actually one of the things that really motivated me to step forward, was I never really found exactly that mentor that I was looking for.
LR: What do you think your unique skill set is that makes you good at doing that?
SM: I think my unique skill set is that I come from the place of being a woman healer, so there are a lot of coaches who can teach women healers, but they actually haven’t done healing sessions. I ran my own wellness center for 20 years. I’ve done over 20,000 in-person client sessions. So I really know what it’s like to be in intimate space with clients and then also to have the money and enrollment conversation.
LR: So just having been there.
SM: Having been there and done it in that field and done it with integrity and love. Of really showing up to be of service.
LR: There’s something also that has you … There’s a lot of people who’ve done 20,000 sessions, right? A lifetime of healing work. And yet, you’ve taken it sort of to a whole other level. What is it you think about you or your skills that has had you become a leader in this space?
SM: Well, one thing that comes to mind is I remember when I was running my wellness center, and I would notice that on the days that I worked, the income in our business would be not just double but like ten to 15 times what it would be when I wasn’t there. So I started really talking to my team and my staff and getting really clear on why women healers weren’t selling.
I had a background of just really wanting to take care of people and being of deep service and not being afraid to enroll them in something if I knew that’s what they actually wanted.
LR: I’m just getting that you’re a salesperson.
SM: Yeah.
LR: There’s on any sales team that I’ve ever been a part of and I’ve run several of them in my life, there’s always one or two, typically one, person who is not one or two times better but ten times better than the rest of the folks. There’s something about them that allows them to … They’re natural, gifted salespeople, right? And what that exactly is, is a bit of a mystery to me, but it’s almost like that’s your business.
What I’m kind of like sensing from you is that you’ve got this sense of purpose that supersedes your fear of putting yourself out there. I heard you say really clearly, ‘I want to live in a world where women are leaders.’ And somehow it seems to me that when we get really clear about what we’re really about, then me being embarrassed to ask to get paid takes a backseat.
SM: Yes. Really well put. Yeah. I completely agree with that. And it is true, I am willing to do what I need to do to be in service to my mission, and sales do come naturally to me, but I don’t want to sell somebody something that they don’t want.
LR: Sure.
SM: Right? So I want people to transform their lives, and that takes an investment. It does. And something that I really help my clients get is that, as women, they are worthy, they can be confident, they can charge what they’re worth, because they want their clients to have those transformations also.
LR: Yeah. Interesting. Let’s just talk about your business, the one where you actually get these women to come to you and pay you money to coach them. Because we obviously have people watching this who are coaches and that’s interesting. In that part of your business, what is it that’s working? How do you get those customers?
SM: Always word of mouth. I get a lot of referrals from clients who work with me. I do partner promotions, business friendship and partner promotions. I’ve recently started a closed Facebook group. And I’m running Facebook ads into that group and that seems to be generating a really strong sense of community. I’m new to that.
LR: Interesting. So you’re paying for ads on Facebook with the outcome being that they join a group?
SM: Exactly.
LR: Interesting. Is that growing quickly?
SM: It is growing quickly. Yeah.
LR: Wow. And then you’re getting customers through that?
SM: And then I’m getting customers through that.
LR: I would imagine that that’s actually probably pretty cheap traffic.
SM: It is pretty cheap traffic. I think we’re at about 50 cents a lead, 53 right now. Yeah.
LR: Very interesting. So what is the name of that group?
SM: Wealthy women healers.
LR: Wealthy women healers. Pretty much what they want to be.
SM: Exactly.
LR: Interesting strategy. You know, we have people in your seat on this show and I ask them what’s working and pretty much everybody says content, content, content. And so you’re talking about Facebook Live, which is obviously more content. One of the questions that always comes up for me is, what do you talk about? How do you decide what to talk about? Because there’s so much noise out there.
SM: Absolutely. Really great question. I’m really great at just helping people focus on income generating activities. In fact, I’ve got a master class out right now where I teach my clients how to make an extra ten to 30,000 a month without having to do podcasts, sorry, write a book, without having to have your website perfect, without having to do all of these things. Really it could be so simple. That’s one of the great things about the Facebook group. I’ll ask questions or post polls and, based on the feedback, then I know what to talk about.
LR: Yeah. Amazing. 50 cents a lead seems incredible. You spend ten grand, you got 5000 people in a group; that’s a very active group.
SM: It’s a very active group.
LR: Yeah. Good idea.
SM: Yeah. It’s growing. Thank you.
LR: Tell me this: what is your cutting edge right now? What are you learning? What is the next level for you?
SM: You know, it’s interesting because the next level is always growth in some form. For me, and one of the reasons why I love using Ontraport is, I’m really about simplicity and ease. There are a lot of people who have businesses similar to mine. They have huge teams. And I don’t want a huge team. I don’t want to manage a huge team. Ontraport is like my team and your support staff is so great and I always tell my team, ‘Talk to them. They’re great. They’re part of our team. That’s part of why we’re with Ontraport.’
For me it’s always, how can I make my systems more simple? How can I bring more ease to me and my life and my team’s life and my client’s life? I am building and growing my team, but I really like to keep it very lean.
LR: Yeah. It’s an interesting challenge to always stay focused on creating what it is you actually want to create.
SM: Right.
LR: It’s real easy to end up creating something different.
SM: Exactly, and then you have to manage that thing you created because you created it.
LR: Yeah. You’ve been at this for a while. At some point you’ll look back and take a long view of your career. What will you want your legacy to have been?
SM: I think I will want my legacy to have been awakening women healers around the globe to their value and helping them to have the confidence to step into their worth and their leadership. Touches my heart.
LR: Seems like you’re well on your way.
SM: Thank you.
LR: Yeah. So, what do you feel like it means to be a modern entrepreneur?
SM: I think it’s really about freedom if we let it be, because I see a lot of people, again, creating something that doesn’t give them freedom. But if we let it be, I really think it’s about having time freedom, and freedom to be with our families and friends, and freedom to really make a strong difference, because we’re not having our time leveraged by someone else.
LR: Beautiful. Thank you so much for being here. This has been really a pleasure to talk to you.
SM: Thank you for having me. Really appreciate it. Lovely.
LR: Would you do us the honor of signing our wall?
SM: I’d be happy to.
LR: Awesome. Thanks.
SM: Thank you.
Want more Modern Ontrapreneur Podcast?
Check out the previous episode featuring Brand Driven Digital’s Nick Westergaard.