There’s a lot of information floating around about what to do to propel your business in the online marketplace. To help sort out what’s most important, we turned to these seven industry-leading experts for their tips:

Stay Top-Of-Mind

“When you look at content marketing (in terms of ecommerce), it is simple. The idea is that you‘re staying on top of people’s minds at the right time until they are making a buying decision and they think of you. That’s simply what it is. It is going from short-term to long-term memory by getting good content in front of them so they are thinking of you at the right time.”

— John Hall, CEO, Influence & CO.

Focus on Quality

“It’s so important to focus on quality, to exude quality in every area of the business that your prospects and customers care about. It’s so important to be blowing people’s minds in the areas that they can see, so that they can get comfortable making the assumption that the areas of the business that they can’t see are also high-quality. Then they can make a decision to do business with you. It helps them relax their skepticism and feel good about making those decisions.”

— Landon Ray, Founder and CEO, Ontraport

SEO Matters

“Adding the content isn’t enough. You’ve got to build the links, get the rankings, and then over time the traffic keeps just adding up. And as it adds up, you’ll see that you get more leads. More leads; more sales.”

— Neil Patel, Co-Founder, Crazy Egg and Hello Bar

Stack Your Emails

“A lot of people will say space out your emails. You actually have more impact if you stack them. Boom boom. Lead with content, next day follow up with a direct offer relevant to that content.”
— Ryan Deiss, Founder and CEO, DigitalMarketer

Upsell at Checkout

“Sell additional products to ultra-hot leads. There is no such thing as a hotter lead than somebody willing to pay for something. You got them hot, you got them ready, now is the time to capitalize on that opportunity. It’s low-risk, high-reward: If you are selling more product, you are making more money, more revenue — without having to generate more leads or sales.”

— Sam Flegal, Director of Marketing, Ontraport

Measure and Respond, Measure and Respond

“Every piece of your business, everything that you are doing needs to result in an immediate and measurable response … When you know your numbers then your business growth is going to be limited not by all kinds of random things but just by how much you are willing to invest in your ads.”

— Andy Andrews, COO, Andy Reigler Andrews

ROI is Where it’s at

“Focus on ROI instead of cost-per-click. ROI measures whether you’re making money on your traffic and therefore getting value for the investment; cost per click just tells you what it cost. ROI allows you to hear what your customers are telling you … With email marketing, use revenue per email instead of open rates to judge email success. Open rates are inaccurate and they trick you into worrying about the wrong thing: It’s like window shopping vs. actually purchasing at a clothing store.“

— Scott Degrosseilliers, CEO, WickedReports


Have you heard any great expert tips for growing your ecommerce business? Share in the comments!

About Ben Cogburn
As Ontraport’s Traffic Manager, Ben Cogburn spends most of his time in our parking lot. Just kidding, he’s our resident digital advertising guru. As a geology enthusiast, Ben graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a degree in Environmental Studies. So to say that he likes rocks is an understatement. You can find Ben hanging out with his rock collection, playing video games or hunting down new figurines to add to the impressive display he has on his desk.