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Taking payment
37 min of content
6 lessons
You have a lot to offer — it’s time to start getting paid for it all! Learn how to run transactions in Ontraport and handle any payment issues that come up.
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Lessons for taking payment
1 Types of offers More info arrow_drop_down schedule 7:36 min Start lesson play_circle

Become familiar with the types of offers you can create in Ontraport and how they work. Add your product, set your price, include any upsells or order bumps – and more!

You'll learn
  • How to add your products to Ontraport so you can get started selling
  • How to add a trial period to entice more customers
  • How to set up a payment plan so customers have options
  • How to include a coupon code option on your order forms
  • How to send invoices to your customers
2 Manual transactions More info arrow_drop_down schedule 3:25 min Start lesson play_circle

Learn to manually log transactions so you’re always prepared — even if you exclusively sell online.

You'll learn
  • How to create new transactions and add your offers
  • How to charge a credit card manually
  • How to log an offline transaction so you can accept cash payments when needed
  • How to send invoices to your customers
3 Refunds More info arrow_drop_down schedule 2:11 min Start lesson play_circle

Ideally, your customers won’t ask you for a refund. But if they do, issuing refunds in Ontraport only takes a few clicks.

You'll learn
  • How to locate a contact’s purchases
  • How to quickly process refunds
  • Tips for issuing partial refunds
4 Declines and collections More info arrow_drop_down schedule 7:13 min Start lesson play_circle

Take a deep dive into declines and collections so you’re prepared when a card fails. Set up your account to handle failed payments automatically.

You'll learn
  • How to automatically chase those hot leads whose payments failed
  • How to set recharge settings that alert customers when their subscription payments fail
  • How to send follow up thank-you emails when customers update their payment info
  • How to create a custom automation for a dunning system
5 Invoices More info arrow_drop_down schedule 6:33 min Start lesson play_circle

Create accurate invoices automatically so your customers get the info they need for their records and you can spend more time growing your business.

You'll learn
  • How to easily create invoices from templates and merge fields
  • The standards required for invoices so you can sail through Ontraport’s invoice review and start using them
  • Where to go to edit your order form’s product settings or log a transaction
6 Taxes + shipping More info arrow_drop_down schedule 9:50 min Start lesson play_circle

Set up your taxes and shipping in Ontraport so you can accurately charge your customers – and send them their goodies.

You'll learn
  • How to figure out if you need to collect tax -- and when
  • The roles of your product and location (yours and your customers’) in taxes
  • How to add conditions to charge customers appropriately depending upon where they live
  • How to add shipping conditions to your order forms
  • Where to access your shipping collected report to check your work
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