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CRM views

Ontraport’s CRM helps you track your prospects and customers by storing all the data you have about them in an organized, accessible way. Automatically capture every page visit, every link click, every form fill-out, every purchase, everything said on a sales call, and much, much more. 

You can view this data in three different ways.

  • Use Quick View to access the most important client information and interaction history.
  • Use Detail View to see every bit of information stored in any of your records – contact information, calendar, notes, files, and more.
  • Use Card View to see where records are in your funnel. You can also drag and drop contacts to whatever sales stage you want.
CRM views

Ontraport’s CRM helps you track your prospects and customers by storing all the data you have about them in an organized, accessible way. Automatically capture every page visit, every link click, every form fill-out, every purchase, everything said on a sales call, and much, much more. 

You can view this data in three different ways.

  • Use Quick View to access the most important client information and interaction history.
  • Use Detail View to see every bit of information stored in any of your records – contact information, calendar, notes, files, and more.
  • Use Card View to see where records are in your funnel. You can also drag and drop contacts to whatever sales stage you want.
How it works

Card View

Ontraport’s Card View displays your records on a layout similar to a visual task management system. It shows you where each record is in any funnel or process and gives you quick drag and drop access to update things on the fly. By default, your contacts are organized by sales stage, including: uncategorized, new contact, lead, active client, declined credit card, cold client reactivation, lost. 

Contacts can move through these stages manually and automatically. Dragging a card from one column to another updates the value of that field for that record. Contacts’ stages also change when certain events happen. 

When contacts are created, they will appear in the “new contact” column. When they fill out a lead form, they’ll appear in the “lead” column. When they buy from you, they’ll move to the “active client” column. If their card declines, they’ll move to the “declined credit card” column. And when the contact takes no action for 180 days, they’ll move to the “lost” column. Behind the scenes, an automation is changing the field called “status” when certain events (called triggers) happen. 

Your cards also have a color component. As contacts engage (or don’t engage) with your content, their “time since last activity” field will be updated, and the color will adjust accordingly. You can make changes to the colors or to the time frames for these color fields. 

You’ll see a few example clients in your account so you can practice and see how this works.

Quick View

Quick View is a one-screen summary of all the most important details about a contact. Click on an action button to send a message to your contact, log notes about a call, fire off tasks, and more.

Widgets on the right side of the screen allow you to easily access other collections in your account, such as Calendar and Tasks.

Detail View

You’ll see a complete history of everything that has happened to the record you’re looking at. record. The top action bar is the very top row of your record. That’s where you’ll find a few action buttons for sending emails, assigning tasks, logging phone calls and more. On the left side of your record are all of your record’s tabs, which are like folders that keep all your information organized.

Clicking on any of these tabs, you’ll see information organized into different sections. There are sections for Contact Information, Calendar, Tasks, Purchases, Notes and Files, Marketing Information, System Information, and more. Within each section, you’ll find the fields storing data relevant to that category. If you don’t like the way something is organized, you can change it. It’s all customizable. 

How to use and customize your system

Card View

Step 1: Navigate to your Contacts collection here. You will see seven example contacts preloaded in your account.

  • These are example contacts with example data to get you familiar with your CRM. This will give you an idea of what this screen will look like once you start collecting and adding contacts of your own.
  • You’ll see these contacts:
    • New contact
    • Lead
    • Active client
    • Declined client card
    • Cold client
    • Site member (if you have a membership site)
    • Site admin (if you have a membership site)

Step 2: In the top right, click the icon on the far right with three columns.

Step 3: Click on any contact’s card to see the Detail View or Quick View, or click and drag any card into a new column to move it to a different column. Moving it will update the “status” field in its contact record.

  • Here’s the automation that works behind the scenes when you drag a contact record to a new column or when contacts take certain actions.

Quick View

Step 1: Navigate to your Contacts collection here.

Step 2: Click on any contact to get to Quick View, or click on the icon in the top right that looks like a contact record, just to the left of the pin icon.

Step 3: To edit or add data to your record, hover over the field and click on the pencil icon. Edit the information and click the checkmark.

Detail View

Step 1: Navigate to your Contacts collection here.

Step 2: Click on any contact. If you are viewing Quick View, click VIEW DETAILS in the top right to access Detail View.

Step 3: To edit or add data to your record, hover over the field and click on the pencil icon. Edit the information and click the checkmark.

  • To edit the fields in your contact records, go to Contacts > Settings > Field Editor, or click here. From there, you can move fields into preferred positions, or add additional fields. You can also add a new section by clicking +ADD NEW SECTION in the top right.
  • To access the automations that work behind the scenes of this Card View, click on the links below:. 
    • Update Sales Stage - This updates your contacts’ sales stage automatically based on certain triggers. 
      • Contacts are moved to “New Contact” when records are first created.
      • Contacts become “Leads” when they fill out a form.
      • Contacts become “Active Clients” when they buy something from you.
      • Contacts are moved to the “Declined Credit Card” stage when their credit card declines.
      • Contacts are moved to the “Cold Client Reactivation” stage if they have purchased from you in the past, but they haven’t taken action in a long time.
      • Contacts are “Lost” if they haven’t opened your emails or purchased anything for 180 days
    • Update Sales Stage: Lost - This updates your contacts’ sales stage to “Lost” if they have not taken action for 180 days.
    • Time Since Last Activity - This updates the color field of the contact based upon how much time has passed since they last took action.  
      • Red contacts have been active today, orange contacts have been active this week, yellow contacts have been active this month, and blue contacts are cold clients who have not taken action in more than a month 
  • Once you're familiar with your account, you can remove the example contacts. However, the example contacts are used in other systems -- so check those out first!
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