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Using the Trends Dashboard
Last updated on: July 26, 2024

The Trends Dashboard shows your data visually through charts so you can easily and quickly understand it. It also shows data over time, while the Metrics Dashboard shows data in real time as a snapshot.

For all account levels

To view and filter your trend charts

  • Go to DashboardTrends.

Once you navigate to the “Trends” tab of your account dashboard, you can view the charts below and filter each chart to see the exact information you want.

Trends toolbar

The toolbar at the top of your Trends Dashboard allows you to set a time frame for all the charts on your page, customize your page layout and more.

Dashboard timeframe

Click timeframe button  to select the time frame of the stats displayed in your charts.

Click  to refresh your dashboard carts.

Click pinned items  to add your Trends Dashboard to your pinned items.

Click Settings  to edit your dashboard layout by selecting which charts you want to see, and reorder them.


Your Contacts chart allows you to track your identified contacts over time. This chart helps you determine how well your lead collection automation maps are performing and view how active your contacts have been in the selected time frame.

You will also have a chart for every custom object enabled in your account. Your custom object charts will have the name of your object and will function just like your Contacts chart.

chart example

Filter your Contact chart by:

Owner -see data for contacts who are owned by a specific user

Total – the total number of contacts in your account

Added – the number of contacts added to your account

Active – the number of contacts who were active

Email chart

Your Email chart allows you to track how your leads and customers are engaging with the emails you send.

Email chart example

Filter your Email charts by:

Object – see data for emails saved in specific objects in your account, such as Contacts, Deals, Companies and custom objects

Type – see data about emails based on how they were sent.

You can choose from:

  • Automated – emails that were sent through automation such as, automation maps, invoices, membership registration emails, etc.
  • Broadcast – emails sent manually
  • All – all emails sent both manually and through automation

Email – see data about a specific email

Status – see data about emails that have a specific status

You can choose from:

  • Sent – the number of emails sent
  • Opened – the number of emails that have been opened
  • Clicked – the number of email links clicked 
  • Unsub – the number of unsubscribes
  • Bounced – the number of bounces
  • Complained – the number of complaints you’ve received

SMS chart

Your SMS chart allows you to track your SMS engagement with your customers over time. This gives you a better idea of how well your SMS marketing automations are performing. You can see how often you’re interacting with your leads and customers and how engaged they are. Plus you can identify any issues that are leading to unsubscribes and bounces.

SMS chart

Filter your SMS chart by:

Object -see data for SMS messages saved in aspecific object in your account, such as Contacts, Deals, Companies and custom objects.

Type -see data about SMS messages based on how they were sent.

You can choose from:

  • Automated – SMS messages that were sent through automation
  • Broadcast – SMS messages sent manually
  • All – all SMS messages sent both manually and through automation

SMS – see data about a specific SMS message

Sent – the number of SMS messages you’ve sent over time

Incoming – the number of SMS messages you’ve received over time

Unsub – the number of SMS unsubscribes

Bounced – the number of SMS bounces

Page Visits chart

Your Page Visits chart allows you to track your page visits over time so you can see how well your pages are performing. You can track who’s visiting your site for the first time and your total page views over time.

Page visits chart

Filter your Page Visits chart by:

Page – see data about a specific page.

Unique – the number of unique page visits

Total – the total number of page visits

Note: The Trends Dashboard only displays page visit stats for identified contacts.

Sales chart

*Available for Plus level accounts and above

Your Sales chart shows you how many sales and refunds you’ve made in a specific time frame. You can track how profitable your business is and identify if you need to implement post-purchase follow-up to reduce the number or refund requests you’re receiving.

Sales chart

Filter your Sales chart by:

Product – see data about a specific product

Sales – the number — or total dollar amount — of sales made

Refunds – the number — or total dollar amount — of refunds created

$ – view your chart in dollar amounts

# – view your chart in number of sales or refunds

Monthly Recurring Revenue chart

*Available for Plus level accounts and above

Your Monthly Recurring Revenue chart shows you stats about your customers’ subscriptions. You can get a sense of what your business is making over time and make predictions about your upcoming revenue. You can also see if you need to adjust your recharge settings because of a large number of subscriptions in collections or see which subscription products are the most successful.

Monthly recurring revenue chart

Filter your Monthly Recurring Revenue chart by:

Product – see data about a specific product

Total – the number — or total dollar amount — of subscriptions created in your account

Collections – the number — or total dollar amount — of subscriptions in collections

Current – the number — or total dollar amount — of subscriptions that are current

Canceled – the number — or total dollar amount — of canceled subscriptions

$ – view your stats in a dollar amount

# – view your stats by number of sales

Payment Plans chart

*Available for Plus level accounts and above

Your Payment Plans chart shows you stats about your customers’ payment plans. You can get a sense of what your business is making over time and make predictions about your upcoming revenue.

Payment plans chart

Filter your Payment Plans chart by:

Product – see data about a specific product

Unpaid – the number — or total dollar amount — of unpaid payment plans

Booked – the number — or total dollar amount — of payment plans that were created

Paid – the number — or total dollar amount — of paid payment plans

Canceled – the number — or total dollar amount — of canceled payment plans

$ – view your stats in a dollar amount

# – view your stats by number of sales

Tasks chart

*Available for Plus level accounts and above

Your Tasks chart shows you stats about tasks created for your leads and customers. You can use this chart to get a good idea of your team’s workload and performance.

Tasks chart

Filter your Tasks chart by:

Object – see data for Tasks for specific objects in your account, such as Contacts, Deals, Companies and custom objects

Template – see data for a specific task template

Assigned to – see data for tasks assigned to a specific user in your account

Created – the number of tasks created

Open – the number of open tasks

Completed – the number of completed tasks

Automations chart

Your Automations chart shows you stats about the contacts on your automation maps. You can see how your contacts are engaging with your automation maps and if your automations are performing as expected.

Automations chart

Filter your Automations chart by:

Object – see data for automation maps built in specific objects in your account, such as Contacts, Deals, Companies and custom objects

Automation – see data for a specific automation map

Added – the number of contacts added to your map(s)

Total – the total number of contacts on your map(s)

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