The Ontraport partner programs use cookies to track your referred customers and identify the partner who referred them. A cookie is a small, invisible text file that remains available in the customer’s browser. When the customer opts in or purchases a product, the Ontraport tracking script and form processor read the cookie and add the partner information into the customer’s contact record. This makes the referral information extremely reliable.
There are two different useful tracking tools that your partners can use to their benefit: Partner SubID Tracking and Partner Tracking Pixel. These are available for Ontraport Pro and above accounts.
Partner SubID Tracking
Partner SubID Tracking allows your partners to track their promotional efforts so they can see what is and isn’t working as they work to sell your products. This feature is only available to your partners if you have a partner center and your partner has been given access.
For example, let’s say you’re a partner and you decide you’d like to spend some money to generate traffic for an offer, so you bid on a few different Adwords keywords. The SubID Tracking feature allows you to add a tracking ID (aka SubID) for each keyword so that our system will tell you (the partner) which keywords are generating visits, leads and sales. Armed with this information, partners can make more confident decisions about how to spend money and ditch the things that aren’t working for them.
To add Partner SubID Tracking, the partner needs to add a bit of code with a tag (aka a SubID) to the end of their partner links, and Ontraport will automatically track and report their visits, leads, and commissions. To do this, the partner will log in to your partner center, click on the Reports tab, and follow the instructions there to simply add &sid=[my subID] to the end of their partner links.
Partner Tracking Pixel
If your partners use a third-party shopping cart to sell your products, they will need to place the partner tracking pixel on their shopping cart’s checkout confirmation page in order for Ontraport to correctly track their sales.
These steps should be followed by an Ontraport Certified Consultant or professional developer.
- Go to Administration → Developer Preferences and Resources → Get Partner Tracking Pixel.
- Copy the Partner Tracking Pixel to the clipboard to use in the other application.
- Configure the pixel as shown in the Get Partner Tracking Pixel dialog to pass the information you want sent back into Ontraport.