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UTM parameters
Last updated on: April 13, 2023

UTMs are codes at the end of your URLs that allow you to track your visitors’ interactions with your links. In Ontraport, you can set up your own UTM links or you can have them automatically generated for links in your messages by using the automatic link tracking feature. Use this article as a reference for what each variable tracks and what’s available to you regarding UTM tracking in Ontraport.

What UTM Parameters Track

Ontraport uses Google Analytics variables, which are organized into the following five categories. When you set up your UTMs in Ontraport, you’ll be prompted to fill in each category (although some of the categories are optional). Here is what each category allows you to track.

  1. Campaign: This is the name of the advertising campaign your link is associated with. It may be the name of your product, promo code, or slogan (“summer_sale”)./li>
  2. Lead source: This is the platform or website your visitors were browsing when they clicked on your link (Facebook, Google, email, blog, etc.).
  3. Medium: This is the marketing content format you used within your lead source. (For example, on Facebook, your medium could be an organic social post, a boosted post, or an ad.)
  4. Content: This is the specific ad or link that your traffic came from. You can add a version name to distinguish between ads or links that point to the same URL, and it is ideal for split testing website, email, or landing page content.
  5. Term: This is the keyword you are targeting when creating keyword-based advertising. You can also use this parameter to add dates the UTM links were used.

Let’s say you want to make a UTM link with the following values:

Website URL:

Campaign: Free Month Offer

Source: Facebook

Medium: Boosted Post

Content:Version A

Terms: May 15

Your UTM link will look like this:

Available UTM Tracking Columns

When viewing your UTM links from the tracking tab in Ontraport, you can add the following columns to view the stats you are interested in.

  1. Name – Name of your advertising campaign
  2. # Visits (Unique) – How many individuals have clicked your UTM link
  3. # Visits (Total) – How many total times your UTM link has been clicked
  4. # Sales (% of Leads) – Displays two numbers: the first is the number of sales that were made after your link was clicked, and the percentage is the number of sales divided by the number of leads
  5. # New Clients – The number of contacts who purchase a product after using your link, even if the purchase comes at a later time
  6. Days to First Purchase – The number of days a lead is on a campaign before his or her first purchase.
  7. Lifetime Value – Displays the total sales for contacts who have the UTM parameter value you are viewing
  8. Time to Value – Similar to Lifetime Value, displays the sales generated within specific timeframes after the contact first clicked the link (available from day 0-180)

Automatic UTM Link Tracking for Emails

Unlike UTM links created manually, where you determine the values added to your links, automatic link tracking in messages adds UTM parameters based on the name of the Ontraport feature sending the email (Broadcast, Campaign, etc.) and the subject line of the email. Below are the values added to your links when you use automatic link tracking.

UTM parameters added by automatic link tracking

Broadcast (from Contacts)

  1. utm_campaign= the date the message was sent
  2. utm_source=Ontraport-email-broadcast
  3. utm_medium=Ontraport-email-broadcast
  4. utm_content= the subject of the message sent
  5. utm_term= the name of the group that was sent the broadcast


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the automation map
  2. utm_source=Ontraport-email-automation
  3. utm_medium=Ontraport-email-automation
  4. utm_content= the subject of the message sent

One-Off Emails (from Contacts)

  1. utm_campaign=the date the message was sent<
  2. utm_source=Ontraport-email-oneoff
  3. utm_medium=Ontraport-email-oneoff
  4. utm_content= the subject of the message sent


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the rule
  2. utm_source=Ontraport-email-rule
  3. utm_medium=Ontraport-email-rule
  4. utm_content= the subject of the message sent


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the sequence
  2. utm_source=Ontraport-email-sequence
  3. utm_medium=Ontraport-email-sequence
  4. utm_content= the subject of the message sent

Alternate UTM parameters available

The default UTM parameters include the name “Ontraport” for source and medium elements. If you want to have more generic UTM parameters automatically added to email tracking, contact Support to have your account configured to use these UTM parameters instead:

Broadcast (from Contacts)

  1. utm_campaign=the subject of the message sent
  2. utm_source=email-broadcast
  3. utm_medium=email
  4. utm_content=the subject of the message sent/li>


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the automation map
  2. utm_source=email-automated
  3. utm_medium=email
  4. utm_content=the subject of the message sent

One Off Emails (from Contacts)

  1. utm_campaign=the subject of the message sent
  2. utm_source=email-broadcast
  3. utm_medium=email
  4. utm_content=the subject of the message sent


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the rule
  2. utm_source=email-automated
  3. utm_medium=email
  4. utm_content=the subject of the message sent


  1. utm_campaign= the name of the sequence
  2. utm_source=email-automated
  3. utm_medium=email
  4. utm_content=the subject of the message sent
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