
Accounting and bookkeeping integrations

Last updated on: February 15, 2025

When you integrate your accounting and bookkeeping services, you can sync contact information, add new customers when a contact purchases in Ontraport, and create invoice payments from Ontraport orders.

Note: Ontraport only offers support for built-in integrations. For assistance with an outside integration, please reach out to their support team using the contact information provided below.


QuickBooks Desktop

  1. Follow these steps to obtain an Ontraport API key and app ID.
  2. Log in to Connex for QuickBooks.
  3. Click the “My Connections” menu, and select Ontraport under “Solution Name.”
  4. Add your API key and app ID.
  5. Follow these steps to pair QuickBooks using Intuit Web Connector.

For assistance with integrating QuickBooks Desktop and Ontraport, reach out to their support.

QuickBooks Online

  1. Connect your Ontraport account with the integrator tool Zapier by following these instructions.
  2. Connect your QuickBooks Online account with Zapier by following these instructions.
  3. In Zapier, choose which zaps you want to use to connect Ontraport with QuickBooks Online. To create your zap integration, go to Zapier’s Ontraport + QuickBooks Online integrations page and click Connect below the zap.

For assistance integrating QuickBooks Online with your Ontraport account, contact Ontraport Support, Zapier Support or QuickBooks Online Support.


  1. Follow these steps to obtain an Ontraport API key and app ID.
  2. Follow these instructions from XOSync to connect your accounts.

For assistance with integrating Xero-XOSync and Ontraport, reach out to their support.

Discover Other Ontraport Integrations

Integrations Overview >

Know of any shipping and fulfillment tools that integrate with Ontraport that aren’t listed here? Please email to let us know.

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