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Add partner promotional tools
Last updated on: July 26, 2024

Promotional tools are the assets you’ll provide to your partners to promote and sell your products and services for you. Promotional tools can come in the form of links, banners, lightboxes or HTML email messages.

The most common type of promo tools are affiliate links. Once you’ve created an affiliate link, a merge field will be created for it. You can use merge fields in an email message for your partners to provide them their unique affiliate link to start promoting your business. 

To use other types of promo tools — banner, lightbox and email message — you need to create a WordPress partner center.

  1. If you haven’t set up your partner program, do that first.
  2. Go to PartnersPrograms at the top of your screen, and click on the partner program for which you wish to add a promotional tool.
  3. Go to Promo ToolsNew Promotional Item.
    • Name the promotional item.
    • Type in the URL of the order page or opt-in form for the product the promotional item is selling.
      • Each URL must have the Ontraport tracking script installed in order for the referral to be tracked to the referrer properly. If the page is an Ontraport Page (including if it’s an Ontraport Page hosted on a PilotPress-integrated WordPress site), the tracking script is automatically appended so you do not need to worry about this.
    • Select which product group this promotional tool will belong to (optional).
    • Select what type of tool you wish to create.

      Direct link: This type of promo tool uses the raw URL of the page you’re linking to. Note, if you change the destination URL of a direct link, the promo tool will break; therefore, we highly recommend using standard links.

      Standard Link: This type of promo tool briefly redirects clicks through your Ontraport tracking domain or through your custom domain if you’ve got one set up. The advantage of this is that if you ever need to change the location of the page you want prospects driven to, you can easily do so, and all your partner links will still work.


      A banner ad is a commonly used method of attracting a click from a prospect. You’ll design the banner ad, then upload it. Then, your partners can download the banner, which will contain their partner referral link, and add it into their web pages.


      Upload any image and, when your partners download it, they’ll get a special code which they can paste onto their web page. That code will create a pop up lightbox that has that image containing their partner referral link.

      Email message

      These are marketing emails written by you, usually containing links (either direct or standard links, as explained above) to your product pages. Your partners will simply copy and paste the email message into their own email service and send them to their mailing list.

    • Complete the following optional items, which support the organization of your promo tools in your account:
      • Type in an ad campaign name
      • Type in an ad name
    • Select a stored image (only if using lightbox or banner).
  4. Click Save.
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 Pro tips
Email message promo tools are designed to be used primarily in HTML email editors, such as the one in Ontraport or other email service providers. If your partners mainly promote via traditional email services instead, such as their own Gmail accounts, we suggest providing them with normal email copy into which they can copy and paste and merge their standard link promo tool. 
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