Facebook Custom Audiences

Show the most relevant Facebook retargeting ads possible, automatically

Get granular with your Facebook audience creation to show highly targeted ads for better conversions. 

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Facebook Custom Audiences

Show the most relevant Facebook retargeting ads possible, automatical­ly

Get granular with your Facebook audience creation to show highly targeted ads for better conversions. 

14 days free. No commitment.
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Show the right ad to the right person at the right moment

You’re wasting money if you’re not.

Get hyper-specific with ads

Create retargeting ads on Facebook with audiences based on more than just page visits. Bought product A? Put them in an audience pushing product B.

Show the right ad to the right person at the right moment

You’re wasting money if you’re not.

Get hyper-specific with ads

Create retargeting ads on Facebook with audiences based on more than just page visits. Bought product A? Put them in an audience pushing product B.
Ontraport Unique Feature

Retarget based on deep funnel data

Use deep funnel conversion data only available in Ontraport to target your best buyers and spend your ad dollars where they’ll be most effective.

Create audiences without spreadsheets

No need to download your contact list and upload it to Facebook; send the info automatically at critical moments to show the most relevant ads.

Create audiences without spreadsheets

No need to download your contact list and upload it to Facebook; send the info automatically at critical moments to show the most relevant ads.
Ontraport Unique Feature

Retarget based on accurate data

Ontraport fills the gaps of incomplete pixel data that you get from most systems so you can reach everyone who’s shown interest.

Upgrade your retargeting game

Get a better ROI from your ads with more sophisticated audience creation.
Save time with automation
Put your focus anywhere other than the antiquated task of manually downloading and uploading lists of contacts to create ad audiences.
Real-time actions, not static lists
In fact, skip lists altogether. Add contacts to audiences one at a time or in groups on an evergreen basis, based on form fill-outs, cart abandons or other actions.
Stop spending on leads who already bought
Showing ads to those who already converted wastes money and causes irritation; rest assured they’ll be automatically, instantly removed from ad campaigns.

Ready to optimize your Facebook remarketing strategy?

Try Ontraport free for 14 days to test all our features and see exactly how it can work for you.
Start your free trial

Ready to optimize your Facebook remarketing strategy?

Try Ontraport free for 14 days to test all our features and see exactly how it can work for you.
“There's no other software to my knowledge that will allow you to see what you have access to in Ontraport. The ability to know exactly what people are doing in your business and put them in different sequences based on that — that's gold.”
– Em Boden, EmBoden.com
There's no other software to my knowledge that will allow you to see what you have access to in Ontraport. The ability to know exactly what people are doing in your business and put them in different sequences based on that — that's gold.
Em Boden
How it works

Smarter retargeting in 4 steps

Start automatically adding contacts to custom audiences in minutes.

Step 1

Integrate your Facebook and Ontraport accounts

Turn on the feature and click to get connected.

Step 2

Create your new audience

No need to log in to Facebook — create new audiences inside your Ontraport account.

Step 2

Create your new audience

No need to log in to Facebook — create new audiences inside your Ontraport account.

Step 3

Start adding contacts to audiences

Insert the “Add to Custom Audience” element in your automated campaigns anywhere it makes sense.

Step 4

Start removing contacts who convert

Add the “Remove from Custom Audience” element to your campaigns after goal elements.

Step 4

Start removing contacts who convert

Add the “Remove from Custom Audience” element to your campaigns after goal elements.

When Ontraport is connected to your Facebook ads account, the possibilities are endless


Convert leads to sales
When leads fill out a form, add them to an audience pushing the related product.


Remove cold leads
When leads have been inactive for 30-90 days, remove them from the lead audience.


Upsell new customers
When someone buys, promote a related or upsell product.


Recapture cart abandons
Came to your order page but didn’t buy? Get them back!


Encourage product adoption
Promote training opportunities and encourage logins for new customers and members.


Reminder to download
Someone opted in for your ebook but didn’t download it? Show it to them to trigger their memory.


Get referrals
Encourage customers who show high interest to tell their friends about you.


Holiday or date-based promotions
Show special promotions to certain contacts on holidays, birthdays or anniversaries.

Leverage Ontraport’s other features for a complete marketing campaign

Campaign Automation
Ontraport’s sophisticated automation system lets you add or remove contacts based on any action or inaction in your funnels.
Learn more
Lead Scoring + Routing
Add leads with high scores to a special audience and allocate more of your budget toward closing them.
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Related Resources

How to integrate Facebook Custom Audiences

With Ontraport, you have a plethora of marketing tools at your disposal. Our integration with Facebook Custom Audiences takes your marketing efforts to another level, allowing you to pinpoint your segments and spread your message to people who are interested in it the most.

Automated retargeting

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a method of advertising where you track site visitors who don’t take a desired action, such as filling out a form, requesting a consultation or purchasing a product, and continue to nurture them over time with Facebook ads. Watch Sam Flegal talk through Facebook Custom Audience best practices and strategies for retargeting.

Integrating the Facebook connect button and lead ads

Expand your marketing reach and improve your customer experiences by integrating with even more social media tools that allow you to retarget, gather leads, and more.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.

Ready to create retargeting ads on Facebook that convert?

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Try Ontraport free for 14 days to test out all our features and see exactly how it can work for you.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.

Ready to create retargeting ads on Facebook that convert?


Try Ontraport free for 14 days to test out all our features and see exactly how it can work for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some Facebook Custom Audience best practices?

Because Facebook Custom Audiences no longer run off of third-party cookies, it’s important to connect with Facebook’s Conversions API; this allows you to share data with Facebook right from your CRM. Ontraport has a prebuilt automation that can set this up for you so you’ll be able to get started with custom audiences with minimal hassle. You can set this up in three steps:
  • Download your prebuilt campaign in Ontraport.
  • Follow these steps to connect with Facebook’s Conversions API.
  • Once you’re connected with Facebook, check out this article to learn how to set up the right custom audiences.

How does a Facebook remarketing strategy work?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is when you show a custom, personalized message to a potential lead who has already interacted with your brand. For example, if somebody visits your site, adds a pair of shoes to their shopping cart and doesn’t buy, you can show them an ad the next day for the same pair of shoes they were eyeballing. You’ll be able to connect with leads more frequently, which allows you to stay top-of-mind and ultimately make more sales.

What is a digital marketing funnel?

Digital marketing funnels are like road maps that your prospects follow until they eventually convert into loyal customers. You can create all kinds of funnels depending on your business and strategy, however most center around the five customer lifecycle stages: Attract, Convert, Fulfill, Delight and Refer.

With marketing automation, your leads and customers will move from one stage to the next based on their interactions with your business. For example, your marketing platform can bump a contact to their next lifecycle stage automatically after they reach milestones like signing up for your newsletter or making a first purchase. The best part is, it all runs on autopilot after you set it up, which gives you the power to scale faster.

What is marketing automation and why is it so important?

Marketing automation is technology that manages repetitive marketing tasks and complex campaigns so you don’t have to. This software allows you to automate your communication with leads and customers throughout the customer lifecycle, from their first touchpoint to post-purchase.

When paired with a CRM that collects data about your leads and customers, your marketing automation software can use that data to deliver engaging, effective experiences across multiple channels. Whether you use email marketing, SMS messages or a combination of the two, marketing automation tools will give you the power to turn more leads into customers — without managing the whole process manually.

How do I know if Ontraport is the best marketing automation software for me?

When you’re shopping for a marketing platform for your business, you’ll want to take your entire business into account — not just the marketing side of things. Whether you choose Ontraport or not, we recommend making sure your automation platform includes the following features, at the very least:
  • A website or landing page builder to share your business with the world online
  • A system for capturing leads and sending marketing emails
  • A contact management system (CRM) to keep track of clients and prospects
  • A payment processing tool to collect orders and charge credit cards
Of course, you’ll probably need more sophisticated tools as your business continues to grow. With Ontraport, you’ll have everything you need now and in the future — all under one roof.

Take a look at our
buyer’s guide for a complete checklist of all the CRM, marketing automation and sales features to keep in mind throughout your software search. It’ll help you find the perfect platform for your business (even if you don’t choose Ontraport).

Is Ontraport a good choice for B2B marketing automation?

Yes — Ontraport is a great fit for attracting new prospects, nurturing leads, generating sales and more for your B2B business. We offer reliable tracking and attribution, highly personalized communication channels, and ready-to-launch marketing funnels that you can kick off in minutes. Plus, since Ontraport lets you gather and store more data than most marketing automation solutions, you’ll be able to reach more potential customers and get better results from your marketing efforts.
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