Setup Wizards

Membership Starter Kit

This free system handles creating a membership site for you — all automatically. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and launch!

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Setup Wizards

Membership Starter Kit

This free system handles creating a membership site for you — all automatically. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and launch!
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Why you need a Membership Starter Kit system

Learning how to create a membership site is a juggling act. Not only do you need to develop lots of engaging content or online courses, but you also have to handle all the admin related to managing who gets access to what, collecting membership fees, and generating login information — all so you can keep your members engaged and avoid cancellations.

This Membership Starter Kit system takes care of all that by having all these essential membership functions set up for you, so that you can quickly launch your subscription based website.  

Membership sites are great for sharing your expert content and creating community around your brand, all while generating long-term, recurring revenue. For more background on how to create a membership site that benefits your business, check out our blog post.

Good for:


Consultants and agencies


Coaches and teachers



What you’ll get from this system

When you launch this Membership Starter Kit system, you’ll:


Sell leads access to your membership product or service so you can bring in regular revenue.


Automate your membership site management tasks, like handling signups and collecting payments, so that your business can run on its own 24/7.


Allow customers to set up and manage their own membership registrations and logins so you don’t have to spend time manually assisting each customer.


Get notified whenever new members are inactive or facing possible login issues so you can connect with them and avoid membership cancellations.


Stop wondering how many potential sales you’re missing out on; clearly see which buyers are on the cusp so you can reach out.

Launch your membership site now

Start your free trial
(and get this free Setup Wizard)

“I am DYING. I just spent the past hour giving this a whirl. I accomplished more in that HOUR than I had in the previous 4 hours earlier today!! GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS!! Happy Dance!”

— Sarah Grace Allred, Sarah Grace Live

What you’ll get from this system

When you launch this Membership Starter Kit system, you’ll:


Sell leads access to your membership product or service so you can bring in regular revenue.


Automate your membership site management tasks, like handling signups and collecting payments, so that your business can run on its own 24/7.


Allow customers to set up and manage their own membership registrations and logins so you don’t have to spend time manually assisting each customer.


Get notified whenever new members are inactive or facing possible login issues so you can connect with them and avoid membership cancellations.


Offer valuable course content to your members so you can demonstrate your industry expertise and keep your customers engaged with your business.

What’s included in this system

This free system is the ultimate membership site builder and comes with everything you need to create and manage a membership site. Simply edit your landing pages and emails however you’d like, customize your automation, and launch.


Membership Starter Kit Campaign
This campaign handles all the administrative tasks related to managing your membership site, including handling the signup process, collecting payments, generating login information and re-engaging inactive customers


Welcome Campaign
This campaign sends out a personalized welcome email to new members after they sign up or pay for access to your membership site.

New Member Welcome Email
Immediately after new members sign up for your membership site, they will get a welcome email.

Registration Email
Immediately after signing up, new members will also get an email with a link to create their password on the membership registration page.

New Customer “No Log in” Email
Two days after signing up, customers who haven’t yet registered or logged in will get an email.

Forgot Password Email
If your members forget their login credentials, they can click the “forgot password” link on the login page and enter their email address to get a password reset link emailed to them.

Landing Pages

Membership Order Page: Paid
If you’re selling paid access to your membership site, encourage leads to fill out this order form.

Membership Order Page: Free
If you’re offering free access to your membership site, encourage leads to fill out this opt-in form.

Membership Sign-up Thank You Page
Thank your new members for signing up.

Registration Page
Once new members click the “create password” link in their registration email, they’ll land on this page where they can create their login password.

Membership Home Page
Once your members finish registering, they’ll land on your home page where they’ll see everything you have to offer. They’ll also land on this page every time they log in.

Membership Page #1
Display the first course in your series to get members started.

Login Page
Any time members want to return to their membership content, they can log back in on this login page.


Lost Password Page
If your members forget their membership site credentials and click the password reset link in the system-generated forgot password email, they will land on this page where they can change their password on their own.

New Customer “No Log in” Notification Email
If a customer signs up for your membership site but doesn’t log in or register within the first three days, you or a team member of your choice will get a notification to reach out and resolve any potential login issues.

Launch your membership site now
Start your free trial
(and get this free Setup Wizard)
What’s included in this system

This free system is the ultimate membership site builder and comes with everything you need to create and manage a membership site. Simply edit your landing pages and emails however you’d like, customize your automation, and launch.


Membership Starter Kit Campaign
This campaign handles all the administrative tasks related to managing your membership site, including handling the signup process, collecting payments, generating login information and re-engaging inactive customers


Welcome Campaign
This campaign sends out a personalized welcome email to new members after they sign up or pay for access to your membership site.

New Member Welcome Email
Immediately after new members sign up for your membership site, they will get a welcome email.

Registration Email
Immediately after signing up, new members will also get an email with a link to create their password on the membership registration page.

New Customer “No Log in” Email
Two days after signing up, customers who haven’t yet registered or logged in will get an email.

Forgot Password Email
If your members forget their login credentials, they can click the “forgot password” link on the login page and enter their email address to get a password reset link emailed to them.

Landing Pages

Membership Order Page: Paid
If you’re selling paid access to your membership site, encourage leads to fill out this order form.

Membership Order Page: Free
If you’re offering free access to your membership site, encourage leads to fill out this opt-in form.

Membership Sign-up Thank You Page
Thank your new members for signing up.

Registration Page
Once new members click the “create password” link in their registration email, they’ll land on this page where they can create their login password.

Membership Home Page
Once your members finish registering, they’ll land on your home page where they’ll see everything you have to offer. They’ll also land on this page every time they log in.

Membership Page #1
Display the first course in your series to get members started.

Login Page
Any time members want to return to their membership content, they can log back in on this login page.

Lost Password Page
If your members forget their membership site credentials and click the password reset link in the system-generated forgot password email, they will land on this page where they can change their password on their own.


New Customer “No Log in” Notification Email
If a customer signs up for your membership site but doesn’t log in or register within the first three days, you or a team member of your choice will get a notification to reach out and resolve any potential login issues.

More systems you might be interested in:

View our complete library of prebuilt systems available.

Email Newsletter Opt-in and Delivery

Don’t let your hard-earned leads and customers forget about you. Use email newsletters to share product updates and valuable content that keep them engaged.

Stay-in-touch Drip Email Campaign

Stay in front of your leads with a series of emails that express why you’re the right choice for their needs and direct them to your sales page.

Subscription Management on Autopilot

Use this system to turn your one-time purchase membership site into a subscription and automatically handle recurring payments, cancelations and customer re-engagement.

Launch your membership site now 

Start your free trial

“I am DYING. I just spent the past hour giving this a whirl. I accomplished more in that HOUR than I had in the previous 4 hours earlier today!! GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS!! Happy Dance!”

— Sarah Grace Allred, Sarah Grace Live

Launch your membership site now 

Start your free trial

“I am DYING. I just spent the past hour giving this a whirl. I accomplished more in that HOUR than I had in the previous 4 hours earlier today!! GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS!! Happy Dance!”

— Sarah Grace Allred, Sarah Grace Live

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a LSM and a subscription management platform?

LMS software  automates the delivery of your online courses or programs, while subscription management platforms (also known as a content management system) handle the signups, payments, cancellations and other automation associated with subscription-based businesses. Ontraport has the full functionality of both a LMS and a subscription management platform, so you are fully covered. To learn how to start a paid membership site with subscription payments, check out our other setup wizard, Subscription Management on Autopilot.

How do I create a membership website without a developer?

Ontraport’s Membership Starter Kit system walks you through the entire setup of your membership website, so you can launch without any coding. Simply select your membership model and get all the essential pages, login functionality, content delivery automation and more loaded into your account. Just customize and launch.

What makes Ontraport one of the best membership site platforms out there?

Ontraport comes with everything you’ll need in a membership management software. With our fully customizable membership website builder, you can set up the site model and design that fit your vision, manage your members, share login details, keep members in the loop and more.

And the best part is, you can use Ontraport to power every aspect of your business — not just membership sites. Your marketing, payments, communication and more will all be in sync, which opens up more opportunities to engage with members and scale faster. You won’t see this level of functionality in many other membership site platforms.

What’s the easiest way to create a membership site in Ontraport?

Try using our prebuilt Membership Starter Kit system! It has all your essential membership functions set up for you, like facilitating signups, collecting payments, generating login information and re-engaging inactive customers, to name a few. Just like all of our done-for-you campaigns, it comes with a Setup Wizard that walks you through every step, from start to finish. All the copy, design and automation are already done for you, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks! It’s the easiest, quickest way to get up and running with Ontraport’s membership software.
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