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Account add-ons and services
Last updated on: July 27, 2024

ℹ This article is a supplemental pricing resource where you can learn more about account add-ons and services. For a complete breakdown of Ontraport’s subscription package pricing, see this page.

Every Ontraport account level has a recurring subscription cost and access to certain features. In this article, you will find information about account add-ons and services that are not included in your Ontraport subscription package. These supplemental services include account rollbacks, SMS numbers and SMS messaging.

Grandfathered account levels retain their old pricing and account limits, unless the account is upgraded or downgraded. Please visit this article for more information on grandfathered pricing.

Table of contents

Adding dynamic content to your account
DCMS auto upgrades and overages
AI Assistant Credits
Bulk email packages
Concierge services
Account rollbacks
Restore custom object data
Restore a canceled account
SMS number pricing
SMS message pricing
Daily spend limit
Costs by location
Private IP address

Add dynamic content to your account

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There are four Dynamic CMS add-on packages you can choose from to create your own web apps and personalized content for your contacts. Each plan comes with a number of custom objects, records allowed in each object and unique records that can be displayed per month.

Here’s how to add a Dynamic CMS add-on to your account:

  1. Log in to your account as the owner.
  2. Go to your accountAccount.
  3. Click Start Trial next to the “Add Dynamic CMS to your account” option.

  1. Click Add on the plan you want.
    • (Optional) Click Add next to “Billed yearly” to switch to annual billing and get two months free.
  2. Click Add plan.

DCMS auto upgrades and overages

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If you have a Starter or Builder plan and exceed your total number of records or display limits, we will automatically upgrade you to the next plan.

If you have an Architect-level plan, you'll be charged an overage fee if you exceed your limits.

  • $50/mo for an additional 200K records displayed
  • $50/mo for 5k stored records

If you incur either overage, we'll add your account's data to a high-performance caching server, which will load your pages faster.

You can remove the high-performance caching server from your Dynamic CMS add-ons at any time. 

Bulk email packages

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You can add additional email packages to your account to avoid overage fees. This monthly subscription is best if you routinely need extra emails.

  • 500k email sends for $399/month

To add a bulk email package to your account,  email

AI Assistant credits

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You need to purchase credits to use the AI Assistant element on your automation maps.

You can purchase a bulk package of 100,000 for $20. If your automation uses the AI Assistant and you run out of credits, we’ll add another bulk package to your account to keep your automation running.

You can also purchase monthly subscriptions and save money by purchasing in bulk. 

Monthly credits











Concierge services

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You can request that our team perform add-on services, such as importing and exporting credit card data, importing purchase history, open orders and affiliate referral data. Please email

  • $150 per hour

Account rollbacks

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If you mistakenly delete data or assets from your account, you can request account rollbacks to recover that information. Ontraport saves deleted data for 90 days. If the data you’ve deleted is outside that 90 day window, we can attempt to recover your data; however, we cannot guarantee 50% data integrity. The cost for each account rollback is $50. To request a rollback for your account, email with the subject line “Account rollback.”

  • A member of our Concierge team will reach out to verify your security details. The team will also clarify your request if they have any questions about the data you want restored.
  • Once your details are confirmed, rollbacks generally take between 5-7 business days.

Note, if you would like an account rollback of a grandfathered account, follow the instructions in this article.

Restore custom object data

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Restoring data from your custom objects requires a full restoration of your account. Your account’s info is “rolled back” to the most recent backup, essentially sending your account back in time. That means any new information you’ve added since that backup date will be lost, and your automations may re-fire. To request to restore custom object data, email with the subject line “Custom object rollback.”

Restore a canceled account

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If your account was previously closed for non-payment, you must pay your outstanding charges within 30 days of the restoration. To request to restore a canceled account, email with the subject line “Restore canceled account.”

SMS Number Pricing

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ℹ Complete your Sender Profile registration to avoid blocked messages

Anyone sending SMS or MMS messages to U.S. or Canadian numbers must complete their Sender Profile Registration. This registration keeps you in compliance with the 2023 update to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

If you send messages without registering, carriers such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. will likely block your messages. You will still be charged for sending blocked messages.

To avoid this, submit your Sender Profile Registration here. And use this article to successfully complete your registration. Reach out to our Support team with any questions!

Note that The Campaign Register (TCR) reviews each submission manually. Their review might take a few weeks, and they may contact you for more information.

Ontraport provides the first SMS number to Plus, Pro and Enterprise account levels at no additional charge.

Additional SMS numbers

Additional numbers cost $5/month, except in these countries:

  • Australia and Austria $10/month
  • Estonia, France, Germany, Lithuania $7/month
  • Puerto Rico, Switzerland $12/month
  • Chile, Hong Kong, Israel and Mexico $14/month

The location of the number you are sending from determines the continent you are allowed to send to. You can purchase additional SMS numbers in other areas if you need to reach a country out of your home region.

Shortcode SMS numbers

Shortcode SMS numbers are five to six digits long. These special numbers cost $3,000 every three months. Vanity shortcodes (using a specific SMS number that you choose) cost $4,500 every three months. Contact for information on obtaining a shortcode SMS number.

SMS message pricing

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Ontraport partners with Twilio to send SMS and MMS on your behalf. The price to send SMS messages varies by region, carrier and length of the message and is subject to change without notice.

The length of your message affects the cost of sending it.

  • If a message is over 160 characters, it will be divided into segments and each one is counted as a separate message.
  • Emojis use a different character set and reduce the character limit per message segment.

In the bottom right corner of your SMS editor, there is information that tells you the length of your message and if it will be broken into multiple parts.

The number of characters remaining shows you the characters you have left for your entire message, not the segment.

  • If you insert a merge field that causes your message to exceed the 1,600 limit, your message will be cut off.

The message count shows you if a message is broken up into multiple segments.

Carriers also charge additional fees for SMS and MMS messages in the US and Canada. 

  • Learn more about carrier fees for toll-free SMS and MMS United States here.
  • Learn more about carrier fees for North American Long Code SMS and MMS here

SMS or MMS messages sent to U.S. and Canadian numbers from businesses that do not have registered Sender Profiles may be subject to noncompliance fees from carriers and/or blocked traffic.

  • Register your Sender Profile using the instructions here
  • Unregistered traffic sending messages to U.S. or Canadian numbers will be blocked starting on August 31, 2023.
  • There are usage limits associated with each of the registration types.

Your credit card on file will be charged a minimum of $10 when a charge is incurred, and the balance will be used for future charges. To see your balance, go to your profileAccount.

Daily spend limit

Ontraport is a powerful automation platform that can send hundreds of thousands of messages per hour on your behalf, but you probably won’t want to do that because it would be really expensive.

Your daily spend limit ensures you never spend more on text messages than expected due to accidental sends.

Your limit is a specific dollar amount  — $100 by default — that restricts the amount of money you can spend in a day on SMS messages. Once you hit it, any further scheduled or automated SMS messages will not be sent.

Scheduled or automated messages stopped due to exceeding your daily spend limit will be abandoned, and you’ll need to reschedule them. So, you’ll want to make sure your daily limit is high enough that you’ll never intentionally exceed it.

Determining an appropriate daily spend limit

Choose a dollar figure that is larger than the absolute maximum amount you’d ever intentionally spend in a day, but lower than a number that will bankrupt you or make you very sad. For most users, that’s a hundred bucks or so, but if you are a heavy mailer, you’ll want to increase this accordingly.

Changing your daily spend limit

  1. Log in as your account admin.
  2. Go to profile icon → Account.
  3. Locate SMS from the “Plan settings” section and click Change plan.
  4. Click Edit in the “SMS spend limits” section.
  5. Add your new limit and click Change limit.

If you’re over your limit, on your Account page, you will see a pop-up asking if you want to change your limit.

Costs by location

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Twilio’s site allows you to look up how much it costs to send and receive SMS messages. Follow the instructions below to learn more about what it costs to send SMS and MMS to different locations.

ℹ Ontraport charges a small service fee in addition to the prices you see on Twilio. Other carrier fees may also apply.

  1. Click here and select the country that you’ll send and receive messages in.

  1. Click Pay-as-you-go.
  2. In the “Local Numbers” (for US numbers) or “Mobile Numbers” section, you can see the amount Twilio charges to send and receive messages.

If you are also going to send SMS messages to other countries, scroll down to the “Outbound” section and enter the country that you’ll send messages to. A chart will appear with your outbound pricing.

Private IP address

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This add-on is not available to all account levels. Check out our pricing page to see if private IPs are available for your account.

  •  You’ll be charged a one-time fee of $499 for a Private IP setup. This fee includes deliverability consulting and IP warming services. Private IPs are available at the discretion of postmasters.

If you would like to send email from an IP address that is used solely by your account, you can purchase a private IP address and a bulk email package.

Generally, we suggest only accounts that regularly send 30,000 or more emails a month take advantage of our private IP program. It’s important that you send enough emails from your private IP to allow ISPs to collect sufficient engagement and complaint information to maintain a healthy sender reputation.

If you are interested, email, and they will send you a questionnaire to determine if your account is eligible.

If approved, it will take Ontraport about a week to set up your private IP, and there is a two to three week warming period after that. Warming up your IP is when you slowly increase the number of emails sent over your new IP address in order to establish a good sender reputation.

Once your new IP is set up, you will receive a call from our Email Delivery team for coaching and instructions on how to warm your IP to develop a good sender reputation and get the best delivery rates possible.

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 Pro tips
Tip #1: You can send messages via Twilio at a rapid rate, as long as the requests do not max out your Twilio’s API concurrency limit. When this limit is reached, Twilio will begin rate limiting your send requests delaying your SMS messages.
Tip #2: The size of a message segment can vary depending on the type of characters included in the message body. Refer to Twilio’s guide on segment sizes and encoding for more information.
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