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74 min of content
12 lessons
Build automations with triggers, filters and goals to streamline your marketing, sales, workflows and more in Ontraport.
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Lessons for automations
1 Automations overview More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:53 min Start lesson play_circle

With automations, you can create expert funnels and processes to streamline your marketing, sales, workflows and more. Here’s an overview of how it all works.

You'll learn
  • How automations work
  • How automations move contacts through your customer journey
  • To use Performance Mode to track automations in real-time
  • The power of automation elements like goals, triggers and actions
  • The kinds of records you can use in your automations (Spoiler: It’s not just contacts!)
2 Automations tour More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:29 min Start lesson play_circle

Take a quick tour through Ontraport’s Automation Builder to get acquainted with the tools and elements you’ll need to get started.

You'll learn
  • Where to find the Automation Builder in Ontraport
  • How to add a trigger that kicks off every automation
  • Ways to tweak and rearrange your automation maps
  • Where to adjust settings for each step of your automation
  • Where to find automation tools like revision history, checklists, team notes and more
  • How to save and publish your automations
3 Triggers More info arrow_drop_down schedule 8:10 min Start lesson play_circle

Learn how triggers add the right contacts to your automations at just the right times.

You'll learn
  • The purpose (and power) of triggers
  • How to add the right contacts to your automations (and exclude everyone else)
  • How to trigger new steps for contacts who are already on your automation maps
  • The way to kick off automations at a specific date or time
  • How to use triggers to see where your contacts are coming from
  • Settings options for new triggers
4 Waits More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:52 min Start lesson play_circle

The “wait” element lets you create pauses between steps in your automations. Here’s a deep dive into using waits and their various settings.

You'll learn
  • The purpose of waits in automations 
  • The five ways to use a wait element 
  • How to adjust your wait settings based on timezone 
  • Which settings to adjust before using waits in your automations
5 Goals More info arrow_drop_down schedule 5:32 min Start lesson play_circle

Goals represent an action you want contacts to take in your automations, like making a purchase. Find out how they work in this deep dive.

You'll learn
  • The purpose of goals in Ontraport automations 
  • How to create multiple paths for your contacts in an automation using goals 
  • The difference between goals and triggers 
  • How to configure your goal settings 
  • Tips for what should happen when contacts reach a goal (or don’t) 
  • How goals interact with other elements, like triggers and waits
7 Filters More info arrow_drop_down schedule 6:32 min Start lesson play_circle

Create multiple personalized paths on your automation maps with the filter element following this deep dive tutorial.

You'll learn
  • The purpose of filters in Ontraport 
  • When and how to use the five different types of filters: conditions, forks, splits, go-to, and end/exit 
  • Strategies for split testing emails, pages and more with filters 
  • How to configure your settings for each type of filter 
  • How to compare the results of multiple paths on your automation map 
  • How to end any automation flow
8 Putting automations together More info arrow_drop_down schedule 8:53 min Start lesson play_circle

Create a fully functional lead magnet and nurturing automation step-by-step, using all the tools you’ve learned about.

You'll learn
  • The strategy behind a lead magnet offer 
  • The way to use triggers to get your automation rolling 
  • How to set up a string of relevant follow-up messages 
  • The strategy for creating a long-term lead nurture funnel 
  • How to wrap up your automation when a contact makes a purchase
9 Performance Mode basics More info arrow_drop_down schedule 6:34 min Start lesson play_circle

Take a tour of Performance Mode to see your live automation results, where they’re coming from and where to focus your efforts next.

You'll learn
  • How to use the six reports available in Performance Mode 
  • How to view all the contacts at a certain point in your automation map 
  • How to interpret the data you see in Performance Mode 
  • How to adjust the date range in your reports 
  • How to gauge the performance of your emails, pages and more 
  • When to use each Performance Mode metric
10 Testing automations More info arrow_drop_down schedule 8:53 min Start lesson play_circle

Find out how to test your automations to catch any errors before publishing to your contacts.

You'll learn
  • How to avoid common hiccups like wrong emails, bad flow, inconsistency or holes in your system 
  • The way to test your automation quickly, even if it involves long wait times 
  • How to use a test contact when testing an automation 
  • How to see if your contacts can achieve your desired goal successfully 
  • Questions to ask yourself as you double-check your automation
11 Version history More info arrow_drop_down schedule 1:56 min Start lesson play_circle

Ontraport saves past versions of your automation maps so you can troubleshoot any problems that arise later. Take a tour to see how version history works.

You'll learn
  • How to find and view previous versions of your automation map 
  • Strategies for troubleshooting your automations 
  • How to tweak and publish past versions of an automation if they produced better results 
  • Where to find date and time stamps for every past version of your automations 
  • The way to navigate between your version history and live automation maps
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