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75 min of content
12 lessons
Take a tour of our page editors and learn how to design your web pages using our editing tools.
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Lessons for pages
1 Overview: How pages work More info arrow_drop_down schedule 3:29 min Start lesson play_circle

This lesson walks you through constructing pages from top to bottom.

You'll learn
  • The difference between page settings and block settings 
  • Where you can change the title, background, SEO settings, and page width 
  • How to create and edit blocks 
  • How to make the elements (text, buttons, images, etc.) look good on your page 
  • How to publish your page
2 Ontraport Pages: The grand tour More info arrow_drop_down schedule 14:29 min Start lesson play_circle

In this tour, you’ll get a detailed look at page settings, block settings and how to create a page framework to get the page looking just right.

You'll learn
  • How to use the toolbar to edit font styles, colors, and page width 
  • How to turn on split testing to find what converts best 
  • Where to find SEO and social settings 
  • How to add your branding to browser tabs 
  • How to change who can see your page or a particular block 
  • How to stylize the size, border, spacing and shadow of your block
3 Building a page More info arrow_drop_down schedule 5:47 min Start lesson play_circle

This lesson walks you through how to build an Ontraport page from start to finish.

You'll learn
  • How to create the page and adjust the settings 
  • How to add and organize the blocks 
  • How to add and edit page elements 
  • How to tweak your design for mobile 
  • How to double-check your form settings 
  • How to publish your page
4 Page elements More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:20 min Start lesson play_circle

Take a tour of the element palette and settings used to create beautiful and functional web pages for your business.

You'll learn
  • The drag-and-drop functionality of the page element palette 
  • How to access each element’s settings and style tabs 
  • Options for preset styles or creating custom styles 
  • How to tweak your element’s position through padding, margins, alignment and element width 
  • How to add elements to create a customer center (for membership pages)
5 Designing for mobile devices More info arrow_drop_down schedule 5:27 min Start lesson play_circle

This lesson digs into mobile-specific settings so your pages look great on any size screen.

You'll learn
  • How to edit the mobile style settings such as mobile-only fonts 
  • How to edit mobile element position settings, such as width and margins 
  • How to create blocks that will display only on mobile or only on desktop screens 
  • How to set up a mobile width/ mobile breakpoint to trigger mobile styling 
  • Our recommendations for tablet and cell phone page widths
6 Publishing your pages More info arrow_drop_down schedule 7:20 min Start lesson play_circle

Learn how to publish your landing page to your own custom domain or to an Ontraport domain.

You'll learn
  • The basics of URLs and how they’re structured 
  • The process for adding subdomains, folders, and/or file paths to your URL 
  • The differences between publishing pages on Ontraport domains vs. your own custom domain 
  • How to host and un-hosting pages
7 Publishing on WordPress More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:37 min Start lesson play_circle

Follow the steps for publishing Ontraport pages to your existing WordPress site using Ontrapages, a WordPress plugin.

You'll learn
  • How to install and enable the Ontrapages plugin 
  • How to check your permalink structure 
  • How to add API keys How to publish your page in Ontraport 
  • How to publish the page in WordPress
8 Page personalization More info arrow_drop_down schedule 4:19 min Start lesson play_circle

Include a contact’s name on the page, or adapt your whole page to each visitor – page personalization in Ontraport makes that possible. Learn the basics here.

You'll learn
  • How cookies identify visitors 
  • The problems with cookies and a more secure way to identify visitors (hint: membership site login) 
  • The difference between anonymous, identified, and logged in visitors
9 Personalizing with merge fields More info arrow_drop_down schedule 7:14 min Start lesson play_circle

Using merge fields, you can easily include a contact’s name (or more!) on the page for a personalized experience. Learn how to do it here.

You'll learn
  • How to add merge fields to your page 
  • How to pass data to the page 
  • How to set your default merge fields
10 Personalizing with conditional display blocks More info arrow_drop_down schedule 8:04 min Start lesson play_circle

You can show or hide blocks on a page based on what you know about your site visitors. Learn how to personalize a page using conditional display blocks.

You'll learn
  • How to adjust your block display settings 
  • How to choose who can see your block 
  • Options for conditions you could create, such as location, custom interest field or products ordered 
  • The way to publish and testing your page
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